Cut down on sigs.周りにもいませんか、やたらと署名がでかい人が。。。メールをやり取りする度にその署名がついてきたりするとスクロールが大変ですからやめておきましょう。
Signature files, especially in business, should contain as few lines as possible. Four lines is a figure generally agreed-upon. Email that consists of a two-line statement and a ten-line signature will have its recipients rolling their eyes.
Don't use email when you are angry.怒っている時はメールの文章がいつも以上にとげとげしくなってしまいます。そんな時はまずは深呼吸して落ち着いてからメールしましょう。
This is a tip from Joan Tunsall's Better, Faster Email (non-affiliate Amazon link). While most of the time email does not convey your emotions, particularly humor, it somehow seems to transmit anger - even when you don’t intend it to come through..
次の分類はCommunicating & Effectivenessです。
Use meaningful subject lines.件名なしのメールもたまに見ますが論外ですね。読み手にやさしく、はメールの基本です。
Write something "meaningful" in the subject line, to give recipients a clue as to what your email is about. This is increasingly necessary to distinguish legit emails from spam. The latter's subject lines are are often deceptive.
If it's urgent, say so.メールの文章はとかく堅くなりがち。至急のお願いだったら、そう書かないと相手は理解してくれませんね。
Writing 'URGENT' in front of your email's subject will make it stand out from the crowd, and most likely get timely attention from the recipient. Make certain it is urgent, however; remember how much attention was paid to the boy who cried wolf when his cries really mattered.
次はProductivity, Folders, and Filteringの分類。
Respond promptly.2日以上かどうかは分かりませんが、依頼されているメールを長い時間ほっておくのはいけませんね。一言でもいいので、進捗等を連絡する心配りが必要です。
Don't leave email unread for more than two days. Look at it immediately and either respond to it immediately, or -- after reading it -- move it to a "must respond" folder.
Know your limits.メルマガをむやみに登録してしまい、そのメールに埋もれて大事なメールが読めなくなるというのは本末転倒です。
Don't subscribe to dozens of free "tips" sites if you don't have time to read the items. If you feel must do this, for whatever reason, use a freebie email address for this or consider an RSS feed instead.
最後はEmail Attachmentsという分類です。
Keep attachments small.これは常識ですね。大きなファイルは宅ファイル便等で送るのがベストですね。
If you are sending a large attachement to someone, whether they have a free email or not, they probably have an inbox size limit. Stay in good favor with them by only send attachments of no larger than, say, 30-40 Kilobytes, unless they've requested it of you. That means that many videos and large pictures should be uploaded to the web instead of attached to an email.
Get Google Emailなんかはハックになるのかちょっと疑問ですけどね。
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